We have a network of medical stores across the western suburbs of Mumbai where we provide branded medicines at a flat 25% discount to all. We also provided additional discounts for upto 70% in certain cases where patients come from economically weak backgrounds.
Why Medical Store as an initiative? A large part of the world’s population suffers under the burden of rising costs in today’s world. Many who live in marginalized and vulnerable communities are at a higher risk of contracting medical ailments primarily due to their living conditions and yet are unable to afford the medicines they require for their families because of the high profit margins applied by most medical stores. We aim to ease this financial burden for those who need it by providing genuine and quality medicines at charitable rates. Gutentor Advanced Text
Why Medical Store as an initiative? A large part of the world’s population suffers under the burden of rising costs in today’s world. Many who live in marginalized and vulnerable communities are at a higher risk of contracting medical ailments primarily due to their living conditions and yet are unable to afford the medicines they require for their families because of the high profit margins applied by most medical stores. We aim to ease this financial burden for those who need it by providing genuine and quality medicines at charitable rates.
Flat 25% discount on all medicines, for all the family members and for lifetime
Eligibility criteria (any one of the following):
Take your supporting document to our nearest medical store & get your bachat card today.
Amount of Money Saved
Staff Members
Footfall Monthly
Average Discount Given
Job opportunities created for these households.
for patients
Reducing financial stress on families
Rate at which these medicines are available in the market
Provided at charitable rates
– Mr. Santosh Jha
-Mahatma Gandhi